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Tromso beach

Adorable Chick

NORWAY & DENMARK Diary : Day 6 - 05th April 2019

Tromso beach also referred to as the SOUTHERN BEACH or TELEGRAFBUKTA beach, was set as part of our itinerary. It was a beautiful morning venture from the town centre. Though it occupied only a part of our day, it was exotic and definitely needed a special mention. Often, travellers tend to miss out on this natural beauty during their visit to the city. The beach also boasts of providing a perfect view of the Northern lights on an ideal day.

It was a night out on 04th April 2019 (previous night), that was spent in capturing sights of the Northern lights ( read TONSVIK). Our return to the hotel was around 2 am. We therefore decided to get out only after lunch to explore places around Tromso, on 05th April 2019. The morning was relaxed & lazy. We woke up late & treated ourselves to a self-made brunch in the apart hotel. A little after our meal, we rode a bus from Sentrum ( town centre) to reach TELEGRAFBUKTA . The " local transport day pass" was ideal. We had downloaded the TROMS BILLET (flykestrafikk) app on the hand phone . Booking tickets was therefore super easy. We boarded bus no. 33 from a bus stop in STORGATA . This stop was a 3 minute walk from ENTERCITY ( where we stayed ).

The weather was beautiful & bright. We had chalked out a detailed itinerary for the rest of the day. The wait for the bus wasn't long. Within 15 minutes we reached the Telegrafbukta stop. The deserted roads were blessed with snow. The Telegraphbukta bus stop was was an easy 2 minute walk to the beach. Walking down the snowy pathway, we caught a glimpse of the turquoise blue waters from admidst the dry branches of a row of trees. The SOUTHERN BEACH was our first snow beach visit. It is one of the most romantic escapades I have ever come across. The views were unrivalled. Secluded and seldom visited, this arctic beach was one of its kind. The shores were bathed in snow.

Tidy Desk

The clean blue in front of our eyes reminded us of the colour of the Mediterranean waters, on which we had cruised the previous year. The snow covered hills surrounding the beach provided a serene set up. A few benches with tables were stationed randomly. One set was laid out right on the shores, the other set could be spotted up a little rocky, flat surface. We hopped in & out on the first set of benches, trying to get up-close and personal with the surroundings. It was worth every penny spent, to get to this spot. The pictures will speak for themselves. A short video in the gallery will give you a bigger picture.

We walked further up to the flat view point, near the top benches. After a few pictures, we laid out a few snacks on the tables. The wind soon caught up. We managed to relax and refresh ourselves in the atmosphere. Each couple walked their own way, with the kids doing their own thing on the beach. We all were well clothed and therefore didn't feel the bite.

We spotted a lady with her kids, taking their dip in the cold waters. We somehow couldn't gather courage to get into the waters ourselves, no matter how inviting it looked. The temparature was still 10 degrees. To the right side of the beach was a huge mound of land. I spotted a stranger busy with a professional camera there. I walked up the mound. I was amazed by the landscape that lay hidden on the other side. It was even more spectacular. The friendly stranger introduced himself. He was a tourist himself and had specifically visited this place for its unmarred beauty. We exchanged a few kind words. He was in total awe of the scene. The place is indeed a photographer's delight.

We played around in the snow making our own snow slides. The slope was shallow, it was difficult to slide down. The sight was hilarious with trials & re-trials. The adults & kids alike were at their playful best. We captured a few videos. You can find them in the gallery.

An hour well spent, we still had the evening left to complete the other places marked on our itinerary. We bid farewell to the beachside and walked back to the bus stop. One of the couples decided to get back to town and boarded a return bus on their own. The rest of us waited in the bus stop for the next bus. In less than 10 minutes a bus arrived. We boarded it to get to the JEKTA SHOPPING CENTRE. (read TROMSO TOWN for further story about the shopping centre).

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